卟啉癥怎么讀 卟啉癥怎么讀拼音
更新時(shí)間:2023-07-16 09:56:40作者:未知
1、One day a crow stood on a branch near his nest and felt very happy with the meat in his mouth. 有一天,一只烏鴉站在窩旁的樹枝上嘴里叼著一片肉,心里非常高興。
2、At that time, a fox saw the crow with the meat, so he swallowed and eagerly thought of a plan to get the meat.這時(shí)候,一只狐貍看見了烏鴉,饞得直流口水,非常想得到那片肉。
3、However, whatever the fox said to the crow, the crow just kept silent.但是,無論狐貍說什么,烏鴉就是不理睬狐貍。
4、Until the fox thought highly of the crow’s beautiful voice, the crow felt flattered and opened his mouth to sing. 最后,狐貍贊美烏鴉的嗓音最優(yōu)美,并要求烏鴉唱幾句讓他欣賞欣賞。烏鴉聽了狐貍贊美的話,得意極了,就唱起歌來。
5、As soon as the meat fell down to the ground, the fox took the meat and went into his hole.沒想到,肉一掉下來,狐貍就叼起肉,鉆回了洞。